Previous events

To reserve tickets for this particular Fringe performance please go to Paypal and pay £9 for full, £5 for child and £7 for concession. I will reserve your ticket for collection on the door. If you have any questions please email me at and I will do my best to help you out.

£9 (Child £5, Concession £7)

I will be illustrating the poems of Alan Budge as he reflects on his favourite recordings and gigs from the 1960s and 1970s. With the invaluable help of Emma Hughes I'll perform numbers that represent the artists that he pays homage to. This promises to be a unique kind of gig and we're all really looking forward to it. I'll have some of my CDs available and Alan will have copies of his book.

£7.50 or £6.50 concessions

As you may know I co-produced the debut solo EP by Icicle Works bassist Chris Layhe. This is a short, free event/gig to launch the gig. I will be playing 8 or so numbers in support of Chris (adding guitar and a little backing vocal). (Responsible) Stuart Bootle will also be there with some great keyboard embellishments!

Green Man Gallery 11th Anniversary Party

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The Green Man Gallery, Hardwick Hall, Hardwick Square South, BUXTON

Looking forward to doing a solo set as well as backing up a set by Icicle Chris Layhe (pictured). Responsible Stuart Bootle will also be helping us out on keyboards. The times of each set are not yet finalised so watch this space for updates. You want to be there at 6pm to catch all the fun and music anyway! Music also coming from pianist Tim Mottershead. Oh, and IT'S FREE!

Previous events

To reserve tickets for this particular Fringe performance please go to Paypal and pay £9 for full, £5 for child and £7 for concession. I will reserve your ticket for collection on the door. If you have any questions please email me at and I will do my best to help you out.

£9 (Child £5, Concession £7)

I will be illustrating the poems of Alan Budge as he reflects on his favourite recordings and gigs from the 1960s and 1970s. With the invaluable help of Emma Hughes I'll perform numbers that represent the artists that he pays homage to. This promises to be a unique kind of gig and we're all really looking forward to it. I'll have some of my CDs available and Alan will have copies of his book.

£7.50 or £6.50 concessions

As you may know I co-produced the debut solo EP by Icicle Works bassist Chris Layhe. This is a short, free event/gig to launch the gig. I will be playing 8 or so numbers in support of Chris (adding guitar and a little backing vocal). (Responsible) Stuart Bootle will also be there with some great keyboard embellishments!

Green Man Gallery 11th Anniversary Party

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The Green Man Gallery, Hardwick Hall, Hardwick Square South, BUXTON

Looking forward to doing a solo set as well as backing up a set by Icicle Chris Layhe (pictured). Responsible Stuart Bootle will also be helping us out on keyboards. The times of each set are not yet finalised so watch this space for updates. You want to be there at 6pm to catch all the fun and music anyway! Music also coming from pianist Tim Mottershead. Oh, and IT'S FREE!

Previous events

To reserve tickets for this particular Fringe performance please go to Paypal and pay £9 for full, £5 for child and £7 for concession. I will reserve your ticket for collection on the door. If you have any questions please email me at and I will do my best to help you out.

£9 (Child £5, Concession £7)

I will be illustrating the poems of Alan Budge as he reflects on his favourite recordings and gigs from the 1960s and 1970s. With the invaluable help of Emma Hughes I'll perform numbers that represent the artists that he pays homage to. This promises to be a unique kind of gig and we're all really looking forward to it. I'll have some of my CDs available and Alan will have copies of his book.

£7.50 or £6.50 concessions

As you may know I co-produced the debut solo EP by Icicle Works bassist Chris Layhe. This is a short, free event/gig to launch the gig. I will be playing 8 or so numbers in support of Chris (adding guitar and a little backing vocal). (Responsible) Stuart Bootle will also be there with some great keyboard embellishments!

Green Man Gallery 11th Anniversary Party

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The Green Man Gallery, Hardwick Hall, Hardwick Square South, BUXTON

Looking forward to doing a solo set as well as backing up a set by Icicle Chris Layhe (pictured). Responsible Stuart Bootle will also be helping us out on keyboards. The times of each set are not yet finalised so watch this space for updates. You want to be there at 6pm to catch all the fun and music anyway! Music also coming from pianist Tim Mottershead. Oh, and IT'S FREE!

Previous events

To reserve tickets for this particular Fringe performance please go to Paypal and pay £9 for full, £5 for child and £7 for concession. I will reserve your ticket for collection on the door. If you have any questions please email me at and I will do my best to help you out.

£9 (Child £5, Concession £7)

I will be illustrating the poems of Alan Budge as he reflects on his favourite recordings and gigs from the 1960s and 1970s. With the invaluable help of Emma Hughes I'll perform numbers that represent the artists that he pays homage to. This promises to be a unique kind of gig and we're all really looking forward to it. I'll have some of my CDs available and Alan will have copies of his book.

£7.50 or £6.50 concessions

As you may know I co-produced the debut solo EP by Icicle Works bassist Chris Layhe. This is a short, free event/gig to launch the gig. I will be playing 8 or so numbers in support of Chris (adding guitar and a little backing vocal). (Responsible) Stuart Bootle will also be there with some great keyboard embellishments!

Green Man Gallery 11th Anniversary Party

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The Green Man Gallery, Hardwick Hall, Hardwick Square South, BUXTON

Looking forward to doing a solo set as well as backing up a set by Icicle Chris Layhe (pictured). Responsible Stuart Bootle will also be helping us out on keyboards. The times of each set are not yet finalised so watch this space for updates. You want to be there at 6pm to catch all the fun and music anyway! Music also coming from pianist Tim Mottershead. Oh, and IT'S FREE!